Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life-Saving Words

Had a happy call from my sister-in-law yesterday with the news that they had rescued yet another puppy, who was slated for extinction the next day. As I said to her, doesn't this give you a sublime feeling, expressing such pure love? She knows this well, being a serious helpless of God's creatures who can't say, "I'm starving, I'm afraid, help me, please!" Giving to an animal with no thought of what they can do for you (though the love they give back is priceless) partakes of the divine, in my view. We ended the phone call with my words, "Such great've saved a life."

And earlier this morning, the topic of giving out the love that saves expanded and made me recall something our Master says: "The words that I speak unto, they are spirit and they are life." This is found in John 6:63. For those of us who are committed to following in Jesus' steps, we can say yea, verily to this. We no doubt have found in our own lives, have seen it in the lives of others, what God's tremendous love for the world in giving us His Son, can do. And has done. And is doing.

And as an adherent of Christian Science, which reiterates and makes practical, provable what Jesus knew and demonstrated of God's laws, I rejoice in knowing how many lives have been saved through its teachings. Literally saved. Not just from suffering and hopelessness. But from pronounced incurability and death.

Thank you Father, I say often to Him, for your great gifts to us -- Christ Jesus and Christian Science.