Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Loving Thy Neighbor

(One of our dogs, who was named after a favorite poet, sometimes gets inspired to take pen to paper, or paws to keyboard, and he wanted me to post the following poem which appeared in my second book of poems -- "And Angels Smile")

Loving Thy Neighbor

Jesus' command is alive and well on our street.

We dogs ought to know; we get a lot of love,

Especially from Glenda, who gives us treats

And is always glad to see us.

She brings her pretty little dog

Around to our house to play.

And when I was a tiny puppy,

Our neighbor brought me a stuffed toy

I would chew on in the cool grass.

I still remember this.

And since my sister has come along,

She's had the same love and attention.

Of course, Glenda helps people, too.

She doesn't talk about religion;

This woman lives it.

We dogs know love when we see it in action.

And we think this is what Jesus was talking about.