Sunday, July 26, 2009

Priceless Knowledge to Have

Sitting here this Sunday afternoon unusually aware of what I owe to the teachings of Christian Science, thought I'd share a poem written years ago and published in my first volume of poetry, "For Love of Christ"...


(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

To longing deep and universal --
"If I could just be free!" --
Is this fact divine and comforting
That all can come to see:
Man is and ever has been in
God -- His perfect child, eternally.
For we are not the slaves
Of influences prenatal or heriditary;
Not helpless before circumstances,
Never under carnal mind curse,
For a year, a day, an hour.
These are truths Christ Jesus knew,
And they gave him wondrous healing power.
This Christly knowledge Science imparts --
Saving knowledge so glorious --
That we're not hemmed in by fleshly starts
But are right now the way He made us.
Fortunate world that there is revealed
Crucial things that all can claim and see,
(Things God has always known)
That now and through all eternity
We are His loved child, His very own --
Immensely blessed and whole and free.