Friday, May 24, 2019

Holding Our Ground

This being a soldier of Jesus Christ

Is not all charging up the hill,

       I have often found.

At times there is nothing

We can do but be still,

Hold the ground we've gained,

Until incoming fire has waned,

Be like trees in there majestic-ness

Which just stand there and take it.

Does not the Bible say,

"Hold that fast which thou hast,

That no man take thy crown"?

         (Revelation 3:11)

When we're doing this,

We're actually doing much.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

May Light

Carefree birds dart in and out of hedges,
Someone mows his lawn in the distance,
Cool breezes waft all around me.
Of all the May delights that confront me
As I sit here on stone garden bench
It's setting-sun rays that get me most --
Light shines on forest floor,
Light plays on trunks of trees,
Light glints off rusting wire fence
A farmer put in before we moved in.

But there's a thought much higher
Than enchanting light of earth --
It's something Christ Jesus once said:
"I am the light of the world:
He that followeth after me
Shall not walk in darkness,
But shall have the light of life."
               (John 8:12)

The beauty of this Light
Can never fade to black.
It's presence and its power
Followers of His can never lack.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A Feeling of Peace

        We have a lovely large painting of pale pink roses my husband's grandmother had.  Every time I look at it, it gives me such a feeling of peace.  Was the artist that calm when she painted it?  Something tangible almost seems to come through her work.

        It always calls to thought words of our Master, Christ Jesus who said:  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:  not as the world giveth, give I unto you."  How many times in my life, when troubles would have overwhelmed me and taken my peace of mind, has this eternal promise  lifted me right up and restored my sense of joy and well-being.

         How can we ever thank God enough for giving us His Son, the Prince of Peace!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Going in a New Direction

Getting to the end of life's rope

Will drive some heavenward, it's true.

But why should one go that way to God?

There is a better way for all, for you,

Take the path Christ Jesus trod.

Above all else this one thing do --

Resolve to follow in Christ's steps.

With new hope it will your life imbue.

For by this route the wisest go,

Up and out of all life's woe.

To joy, freedom and salvation,

       Now and everlasting,

          It is the one,

                 The royal.
