Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Way Out

When life has you feeling stressed,

And things look downright grim,

And you find yourself wondering

"Whom can I take this problem to?"

Heed the angel that says,

"Why not take your worries to Him?"

You will be eternally glad you did.

Turning to our loving Father

Never fails to lift us up,

To bestow a feeling of peace,

To bring a comforting sense

That He is indeed in charge

Of all that concerns our well-being.

Our heavenly Father is with us always,

And always gives us a way out.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Words That Pass Not Away

"Heaven and earth shall pass away,

But my words shall not pass away, "

Our blessed Master said.

   (Matthew 24:35)

Those who love what Jesus said

Naturally want others to feel the same.

And some through what they write

Do so to honor Him

In the hope that any of what

He said and taught

Shall reach the hearts

Of those now living

And those lives yet to be,

And so lodged within a person

Shall lead to obedience of God's Word,

To peace and joy and feedom

Obtainable in no other way.

Friday, June 1, 2018

What God Requires

Doing what God requires

Is of course no lark.

Jesus never even hinted

It'd be a walk in the park.

In fact, Jesus left no doubt

Just what could lie ahead

In these words to those

God-called men He led.

"...Whosoever killeth you will
Think that he doeth God service."

           (John 16:2)

Doesn't need to be put

Plainer than this for me,

Nor I suspect for you who

Love Christ unconditionally.

But becoming more like our Savior,

The most obedient man on earth,

Shouldn't this be some all out,

Go-for-broke commitment worth?

For we know, disobeying the God

We are taught to adore,

Is sooner or later sure to

Cost us so much more.