Thursday, November 16, 2017

Winter Joy

On a yellow tag
identifying variety
of shrub just planted
were these words:
"Winter Joy"

a season  full of delights --
crisp, cold days
hot chocolate with
lots of whipped cream
starry nights
woodsmoke in the air
walks with dogs in countryside

But leaving love of nature aside,
there is something much higher:

We are Christ's,
and Christ is God's
Awesome thought!
That we are His

Is this not joy of the highest --
God-given/unfading/ours forever?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sharing the Good News

        It is such a privilege to be able to share good news through this blog,  I can think of nothing more beneficial to readers than the mention of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This book written by Mary Baker Eddy has done wonders for thousands of people through the years because some kind neighbor or co-worker or family member told of what Christian Science had done for them.

        Recently I was reading the testimonies of healing at the back of the book, 100 pages of the most inspiring accounts of those who had no where else to turn in many cases and were given up as un-healable by the medical profession.  Had it not been for someone bringing this book and its healing truths to their attention, they might well as gone on for years suffering.

        My own mother is a case in point:  she had suffered for many years for a physical problem, an inner ear disturbance kind doctors had tried and failed to alleviate.  One day a neighbor seeing her challenges with two small children to care for came to visit.  She mentioned what this book had done for her and that my mother might find it helpful.  Well, she went to a Christian Science Reading Room and got a copy.  She was only part-way through when she was freed, once and for all, from this problem.  As you can imagine, her joy was unbounded.  She turned away from medicine, of which she had plenty, and enrolled my brother and me in the Sunday School. 

        Other instances I know about was a man who was confined to his bed, unable to even take a drive with his parents.  A neighbor told of this book and that it might help. The book was procured, he began reading, said his healing was not fast, but eventually it came.  And it would have been a difficult thing to find a more energetic, healthy man with a very full life.  He was so grateful to God for what had been done for him, he entered the full-time public practice and for many decades helped others find Christ healing through Christian Science.

        I could go on and on.  But you get the point.  And you just might be one of these individuals ready to investigate a book that could transform your health and set  you free.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

On Choosing Lowliness

If the mighty meekness our Master
In his own life exemplified,
Lived, in ours, will keep us
Less responsive to the prince of this world
From avoidable unhappiness free,
Then let us our daily asking be,
Give me, O God, more humility --
That true humility Jesus showed.
Doesn't he seem at times
To be almost hiding himself,
Never trying to be a "star,"
Wanting invariably instead
To see his Father glorified?
So let us choose life's "lowest room,"*
Be unpretentious in what we do and are.
It is this not seeking things for ourselves,
Living to honor not us but Him,
That keeps us from  the pride
That makes of life
Not His heaven, but a hell;
That enables us to walk the Christly path,
Touching other lives perhaps
More widely than we can tell.

(*see Luke 14:7-11)