Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Dotting Each "i", Crossing Each "t'

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

God has of our lives
the complete mastery.
Are you saying to yourself,
this sounds too good to be true;
it couldn't apply to me?
But cannot our God see
things we can't possibly?
Can't He take care of
every last detail of all
that concerns us?
Of course He can.
The Old Testament declares:
(Psalms 22:28)
"The kingdom is the Lord's:
and he is the governor
among the nations."
If God runs the universe --
and He does --
and as I thought last night,
holds those gems in the sky,
we surely can upon Him
happily, totally rely.
And just imagine what delight
it is for the kind Father of all
to all our burdens bear,
to look after all things,
both great and small.

Is it not only right
that we His loved children
acknowledge His government --
and trust His comprehensive care?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Manna from Heaven, Part 2

Remember that lady I mentioned in a blog last week who had just discovered Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy? Well, just had an email from her, commenting on all the glowing comments her eloquence had garnered, and as she does, giving Christ full credit for whatever inspiration she had brought to readers of this blog. She was exclaiming over things she had read from pages 88 and 89 of the textbook. Won't pick up on all the author of this glorious book brings out on the topic of eloquence (she mentions this quality in five places), but I think this may be the key thought: "Mind is not necessarily dependent upon educational processes. It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry, and the power of expressing them."

I can see why these pages would light up for this friend, who has said her human education is quite limited, and that anything she's able to do she owes entirely to Him. Can't help thinking, as I rejoice over how quickly she has taken to the Christian Science textbook, about something else Mrs. Eddy brings out in the preface, page x: "The unbiased Christian thought is soonest touched by Truth, and convinced of it."

While many people have always had tons of self-confidence and the conviction they can achieve anything, this is not the case with all of us. And it was not the case with the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science who said she had to overcome self-doubt and timidity in doing what she did for mankind. Mrs. Eddy who had almost no human support or resources, relied on God alone for everything needed to bring her Discovery to the world. One can only marvel at the changes God wrought in her over the decades. As He has done for many others and can do for anyone who humbly acknowledges Him as the source of all thought and the power of expressing ideas.

Owing the teachings of this remarkable woman more than can ever be repaid for the help received in matters of health and well-being, I owe much for what these teachings have done in overcoming a sense of limitation where self-confidence and ability are concerned. The opening of horizons has been amazing to me. (And probably to others as well!)

Someone who is reading this blog for the first time who may not yet be acquainted with Christian Science may find the following of help. Any person can turn to the source of all creativity, God, and expect good results.

Christian Science, which was founded to reinstate the words and works of Christ Jesus, honors God as the fount of all ability, as our dear Master did. As this statement of Jesus makes plain: "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." (John 14:10) And Science and Health points out, in describing man, which means you and me, as "that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker." (Page 475)

Christian Science teaches man's unity with God, divine Mind. It shows that each man, woman, and child is actually a spiritual idea, the reflection of this Mind. All that God has is man's by reflection. Intelligence, originality, enthusiasm, and ability do not come from some place outside us. And they're not limited to a chosen few. They are qualities continuously being imparted by God to His beloved children, and so available to all. Reflecting divine intelligence, we can never be at a loss for good thoughts or ideas.

Yes, inspiration and talent and the power of putting these into action are matters of spiritual unfoldment, of reflecting God. As we recognize our inseparability from Him, we can express more fully the infinite ability which is our divine right. And increasingly be a force for good in this world of ours.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Manna From Heaven

What follows is almost a guest columnist's offering, and I offer it to you for the spiritual uplift I know it is going to have. During the Christmas holidays, my husband took some pies over to a couple's house we've become acquainted with, to help out with the large family gathering they were expecting. Soon after, I was talking with the wife one day and the subject of religion came up, specifically Mrs. Eddy's book, which she was interested in reading. I went to our local library and checked out a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" to let her look over, to see if she was interested. Well, the acceptance by this childlike lady was instantaneous! Told us she couldn't wait each evening for spare time to read her book. Of course, we knew she had to have her own copy, which my husband gave her from the several he keeps for just such a purpose. And now, her own words which are in a lovely card left in our mailbox:

"Thank you both for the wonderful pies...Nothing was spared. As much as we enjoyed the pies, the best gift is that little treasure of "Science and Health" by Mary Baker Eddy. I wait for a moment to be still and devour myself into the words. It's like anticipation to be able to sit down with it and the Word of God. Scripture has never been so inticing! Thank you, Thank you."

This, dear readers of this blog, is what it's all about.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Obedience Pays Dividends

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

Let a person actually get down
to business about obeying
anything Christ Jesus requires
and one is going to be tested.
So, get yourself rested
I tell myself,
ready for temptation
to revert to former ways.
No sooner had I taken Jesus' words
in Matthew 12:36 to heart,
(translation to me: do not gossip!)
than along came our neighborhood's
chief doer of tearing others down,
with the latest juicy bit.
But God be praised, this time around
evil's bait was resisted;
didn't even want to take part,
kept my comments on topics good.
How clean it felt to escape sin,
and act the way I should.
The strength, of course,
was not my own --
it was HIS.

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to obtain a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"

Occurs to me I should post some information for those reading this blog who are like the individual who commented earlier, who are interested in obtaining a copy of Mary Baker Eddy's masterwork, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

1) This book is available at all Christian Science Reading Rooms.

2) One may find information about purchasing a copy of this book by looking on the Internet;

3) Or, if funds are limited, or if a person just wishes to look the book over before purchasing, he or she may go to a local library. Nearly all public libraries, at least in the US, have a copy or copies of Mary Baker Eddy's book.

4) One might be able to obtain a copy of this book from a local, major bookseller, such as Borders or Barnes and Noble.

5) Or for a newcomer to Christian Science and reader of my blog, email me at and I shall see that you get a copy, if you can't find one through any of the above avenues.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

On being free

After reading the column in The New York Times January 1 on the topic of slavery in Cambodia, as well as Nicholas Kristof's follow-up in today's paper, have been thinking a lot about freedom. So many thoughts crowd in. To stay on young girls being enslaved, of course that's an enormous subject for discussion, greed and lust being at the root of so much of what is going on. And certainly something we Christian Scientists can have a healing effect on world-wide given all the Discoverer and Founder of our religion brings out on overcoming sin in ourselves and others.

But to go off in another direction right now, am so grateful for this blog which opens up to me and commenters on this blog the opportunity to express what we feel without worrying about someone or someones on high (note the small "s") censoring what we say, or exacting retribution for sincere opinions. Glorious freedom we thank God for!

What I'm focusing on now is what led that Times reporter I've mentioned to do a follow-up column since many of the hundreds of comments he received from men (not surprising) intimated that the girls led that kind of life voluntarily. Implied was this: they are only women, after all. What do you expect? Probably some do go into prostitution voluntarily, but I suspect, not out of looking for a good time, but out of economic necessity.

But thinking of how women are disregarded (and even American women understand this all too well) couldn't help being grateful for all that the Discoverer and Founder of my religion stood up to and overcame. To do what Mary Baker Eddy did--in a long skirt, in her day!-- was nothing short of amazing. Showed how God-sustained she was. And that time when she was founding an international daily newspaper and some of the men around her acted as though they wanted to give her a pat on the head and say, let us superior beings make the decision. Lord save us!

And on a personal note, cannot thank God enough I have Christian Science which has done wonderful things for me in this department. Years ago when I was appointed by The Christian Science Board of Directors as one of the Trustees of Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association outside Boston, have to smile now at something that happened at almost the first meeting. There we were assembled around a board table and one of the men who shall remain nameless leaned around one of his colleagues and said out loud, "Well they have you here as decoration for sure."!!!!!! Of course, implied in this statement was the feeling that the men in the group were superior at running things.

Lastly, on the topic of being free, want to express my thanks for Christian Science for the deliverance from bodily difficulties I have experienced. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is this from the woman who wrote the book. Mrs. Eddy writes: "I saw before me the sick, wearing out years of servitude to an unreal master in the belief that the body governed them, rather than Mind."
"The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the sick, the sensual, the sinner,I wished to save from the slavery of their own beliefs..." Page 226)

And at the top of this very page, she speaks of "a world-wide slavery, found on higher planes of existence and under more subtle and depraving forms."

Now, since this is an active blog and you all like to participate, I'd love to hear your thoughts on just what she may have been alluding to here. I have some idea though have not had time to think it through completely. So give me your ideas on her timely words.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The energy Love gives

When doing something for another,
no matter how small,
have you noticed new energy,
that you're not tired at all?

There's such joy and activity
to our everyday living,
when forgetting about "us"
gives way to "let me be giving".

Jesus says, "Give, and it shall
be given unto you",*
and because he said it,
we know it must be true.

Not that wanting to get
is the proper motivation,
but oh does unselfed giving
bring us much invigoration.

For boredom and the blahs,
it's a remedy sure-fire.
Among the good that comes,
we don't so easily tire.

We end up achieving more
than we thought we could,
when we get down to doing
what Jesus says we should.

Life has much more meaning,
events more zip and zing.
We just can't help ourselves;
our hearts begin to sing.

To go forth this day
less focused on self,
showing more Christlike love,
getting good deeds off the shelf,

expressing one small kindness,
(can kindness ever be small?)
can do wonders for someone else,
cause that person to stand tall,

give him not only renewed hope,
but save the life of another,
by inspiring him in his turn
to reach out to a needy brother.

Yes, the world is going to be helped
when we leave ourselves out.
Our God has infinite means
of bringing this about.

Living to give--not get--
will do a lot for me and you.
It will make our days happier,
and a lot more energetic, too.

(*Luke 6:38)

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell